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Changelog for v1-29-eks-8

This changelog highlights the changes for v1-29-eks-8.



  • Cni-plugin Bump protobuf to 1.33.0 to resolve CVE-2024-24786 (2856)
  • metrics server Bump protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 (2855)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for Liveness-Probe (2852)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for Node-Driver-Registrar (2851)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Attacher (2850)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Snapshotter (2849)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Resizer (2848)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Provisioner (2847)


  • Cni-plugin Bump protobuf to 1.33.0 to resolve CVE-2024-24786 (2856)
  • metrics server Bump protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 (2855)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for Liveness-Probe (2852)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for Node-Driver-Registrar (2851)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Attacher (2850)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Snapshotter (2849)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Resizer (2848)
  • Patch protobuf to resolve CVE-2024-24786 for External-Provisioner (2847)

Base Image

No changes since last release